Teacher Training

Teacher Training

Welcome to the Moomin Language School teacher training!

Our teacher training is a self-study course that will give you a quick but comprehensive explanation of Moomin Language School and the guiding principles behind the success of our learning method. It will help you get started with teaching English to young learners, and gives you concrete examples and tips on how to organize the use of Moomin Language School at your learning facility.

Going through the teacher training will take approximately an hour. If you are in a hurry to start, you can go through the first part (Introduction) and come back for the second part (Theory & Background) later. For a very quick start, head over to our Quick Start Guide (but please come back to the teacher training when you have the time).

After completing our teacher training, you will:

  • know what Moomin Language School is and how to use it at your learning facility
  • know how to start teaching English to young children
  • have a general understanding of the guiding principles behind Moomin Language School
  • understand early language development


The materials in this section will help you get started with using Moomin Language School. If you don't have time to go through the whole teacher training right now, not to worry! Start with the four sections below, and come back for the rest when you have the time.

📽️Introduction to Moomin Language School📽️Tips for organizing the learning📽️The key elements of Moomin Language School

Ready, set, go!

Now that you have a better understanding of Moomin Language School and some ideas of how to organize its use in your learning facility, you are ready to get started! Create student profiles, set up the application and get a better understanding of the playful lesson structure with our step-by-step Quick Start Guide.

Theory & Background

In this section, we delve deeper into the theory background of Moomin Language School. You will learn about the four corner stones of the Moomin Language School method, and the principles of early language learning.

📽️The foundations of Moomin Language School📽️The fundamentals of early language learning📽️A playful lesson example🙋Frequently asked questions

What Next?

Congratulations, you have now completed our teacher training! Now you should have the knowledge to effectively utilize Moomin Language School in your organization and to provide the world's best English language learning based on the Finnish education principles.

If you are still unsure of how to set everything up, start using the learning application or access the Playful Lessons material, please check out our Quick Start Guide (estimated time to complete 15 minutes).

If you cannot find what you're looking for in the quick start guide, please go to our Help & Support page here. There you can find all the manuals and supporting materials for Moomin Language School.

If you have any questions or would like to send us feedback, please contact our support team. They are always happy to help! You can find their contact information here.

Would you like to stay up to date with the latest news and articles on early language development? In that case, please subscribe to our newsletter on our website. You can also follow us on our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

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